Mosaique FM 1.9
The application Mosaique FM offers you apackage of feature :- Live Radio- Cam Studio Live- Message Studio Live- The News- Podcasts- Photos- Videos- The music- The program- The Team
Sunnah Notification (السنة) 1.2
It's sunnah allow Muslems to make reminder forAhadith.You can read Ahadith.You can chose the frequency of notification.You can publish Ahadith in you account.this application is available in arabic
APK Share ( Extractor ) 1.3
APK Share is an application that allow toshare you App with your friends. the important feature that makethis app amazing is the possibility to get the APK file in localdirectory.for a best and sample experience use APK Share to make a gift foryour friends.
Air Player Pro 1.4
Air player is an Application that offer youMusic Control with no Touch can play, pause, stop, go to next, go to previous with outusing your play or pause : just put your hand above your stop: turn down your play next : turn right your play previous : turn left your phone.
Circle Escape ( Free Game ) 1.0
This is a simple game with simple rules.Turn the circle right and left to escape danger and collect moneyto get a best score.
Smart Massage 1.5
"Smart Massage" is an Original Vibratingmobile Application. Now, you can turn your phone into a massager.Vibration has been proven to stimulate hair growth, treatcellulite, and wrinkles. Relax with "Smart Massage" Massager's 6different vibrational modes.Turn Smart Massage on and use it anywhere! Vibrate the stressaway after along day. Put it under your pillow and let it gently soothe you tosleep. It’s greatfor helping the baby fall back to sleep too. Are your feet sore atwork? Try "Smart Massage" and see how much more relaxed you feelafter a vibrating massage..You can even use it in personal areas to spice up your life,just like a real vibrating massager ;)Download it today and vibrate your worries away.
My Destiny (Free) 1.5
What is my life destiny is a question asked bymany people as they ponder the reasons for their existence. Life isthe expression of the Reason for being.The question of what is my life destiny is answered by thisapplication, you can find your destiny by six wayschild, health,love,money and death.Find out about how your names affect your life.
Go Twins (Game Free) 1.7
Twins is a game where you will have tomatcheach ball color with its respective color in the balls ofthecenter of the screen just by tapping on the screen. The aim oftheplayer is to rotate the center balls in order to match thecolorsof the balls.Every week, you will have to accomplish a new Level. Enteramesmerising trance of co-dependence in Twins.Challenge your friends using this app on Google Play Games.Enjoy it!
Recipe TV ( Tasty ) 1.7
Find everyday cooking inspiration on RecipeTV. Discover recipes, cooks, videos, gallery. Here's what you wantto eat for dinner right now.Our best cooking tips and techniques, recipe ideas and how-toguides. ... Find your favorite recipes from Best Recipes home cooksto cook this week.
Voice Changer 1.8
The funniest app in the world! —Want to have some fun with your friends over phone calls?Changeyour voice in real time and add crazy sound effects the nexttimeyou're on the phone with Call Voice Changer.It's the ultimate app for making funny phone calls. Make yourvoicehigh and funny or deep and creepy at the touch of abutton.Users are loving this hilarious app:"I called my office and they thought I am a woman LOL""We heard my brother answering the phone in the next room... itwasso funny""I drive my wife crazy with the dog barks"Features of Call Voice Changer include:* Make funny phone calls: Easily change the pitch of yourvoicewhile on the phone* Real-time effects: Change the sound effect any time duringyourcallNote that calls are placed over your network, a widget overcallinterface is shown to make sure that your application isactivatedduring that call.Turn your next phone call into a hilarious experience…downloadCall Voice Changer now!
Advanced Rosary (Smart Sebha) 1.9
<>بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمالسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتهقال الله تعالى : "والذاكرين الله كثيرا والذاكرات أعد الله لهممغفرة وأجرا عظيما" صدق الله العظيم الأحزاب 35قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم : "ألا أنبأكم بخير أعمالكم،وأزكاها عند مليككم، وأرفعها في درجاتكم، وخير لكم من إنفاق الذهبوالفضة وخير لكم من أن تلقوا عدوكم فتضربوا أعناقهم ويضربوا أعناقكم"- قالوا : "بلى" - قال: "ذكر الله تعالى" الترمذيالحمد لله حمداً كثيراً طيباً مباركاً فيه كما ينبغي لجلال وجههوعظيم سلطانه و الصلاة و السلام على أشرف الخلق سيدنا محمد صلى اللهعليه و سلم ...هذه هي النسخة الاولى من تطبيق (السبحة المتطورة) نامل من الله أنيعيننا على تحديثها و إصدار نسخ أكثر تطوراً في المستقبل إن شاءالله.في حالة وجود أي مقترحا لتطوير التطبيق أو أفكار لتطبيقات أخرى مشبهةيكون الغرض منها خدمة الإسلام و المسلمين فنحن نرحب بكم. يرجى إرسالبريد إلكتروني على العنوان التالياللهم وفق كل من حمل هذا التطبيق و من كن سبباً في نشره و من اهداهو من دل عليه و أعنهم على ذكرك و شكرك و حسن عبادتك و بعد بينهم و بينخاطياهم كما باعدت بين المشرق و المغرب و نقهم من ذنوبهم كما ينقىالثوب الأبيض من الدنس وإغسلهم من ذنوبهم بالماء و الثلج و البرد واجمعهم في الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بغير حساب برحمتك يا أرحم الرحمين،و الصلاه و السلام على سيدنا محمد و الحمد لله رب العالمين... والسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Boost Battery ( Saver ) 1.7
You still suffer from the phonebatteryproblem?Still looking for a power source?Now forget all the worries, with our solution of theintelligentbattery charging!Our application allows you to increase the level of thebatteryduring all calls. the technique used is to turn GSM waves(when youare in communication) in electronic signal that willcharge yourbattery of the mobile.Currently the battery level increases of 0.06% for a minute callandwe are currently optimizing the signal generated fromthewaves.You will be surprised by the result of the current version, andweintend to add more features in future releases.You are satisfied ... Give 5 starsHere are some other tips on how you could make your phonebatterylast longer.Stop searching for signal.Clean the battery contacts.Switch the vibrate function off and just use the ring tone.Turn off the phone's back light.Avoid using unnecessary features like the camera, especiallytheflash.Turn off bluetooth, wifi, GPS etc.Turn down display brightness.Avoid using video or animated pictures as a background, use ablackone if possible.Keep the battery cool, even put it in the fridge.
Media Browser Pro 2.0
Data Browser is an application that allowyouto browser all media in you's the most easy and fast way to get all your data.
SMS Pro Reader Free 2.0
SMS Reader Widget is a Free applicationthatoffers the user the ability to read text messages (SMS)received anabsolute ease. simply activate the widget and ensurethat the lightis green, each received message will be readautomatically.